To Be Touched By Her Truth

“What do women want? Nobody knows, it is a mystery. Women themselves don’t even know the answer”. Sound familiar?

Many years ago, I set out on this path to understand women to get along with them. I learned about emotionality versus rationality. About the biological differences that condition the psychological differences. This was fascinating to me. Books, videos and conversations on the issue was opening my mind to a new world.

Still, like a troll that comes along on the journey, there was a secret resentment in me that did not disappear at all in spite of my new insights. Sometimes the resentment even grew along this path. I learned about women in order to deal with them, in order to take into account their nature so I could adapt my little plans accordingly.

It was just a few days ago, that I got to shake hands with this troll, and it was an astonishing experience. I had been doing the honour work with Hans Comyn based on the human technologies developed by his ally and business partner Michael Skye, for around a month. Every time I did the work on a family member, in the privacy of my mind, they would write me a message the same day. Like a little telepathic miracle.

Since I am a pig, I thought: “ what if I do this work on women? Then they will connect with me too! Ahaa!” Rubbing my hands like a used cars salesman, I got to it.

The honour work breaks you up. It has to. The process of seeing the perspective of the other, to search within yourself for their point of view, is only possible if you step out of yourself. Now you can walk in their shoes. What I saw, or rather felt, was really astonishing to me.

All the stuff I had studied, came alive like a three dimensional reality, and it was very touching. All of a sudden I felt what women have to deal with, and why they do what they do. Also this notion was strong in me: If I was a woman, I would probably do the same thing!

Women are connected to nature in a way men are not. They have the ability to give birth to life. Their genitals are the door to life. Women live in cycles ruled by the moon. Women are flowing with the force of life. They want to be appreciated, seen, admired, loved, made love to, just like men do. Still women live in a world that is scary to them. Pulled between fears of dangers and longing for unity, they rely on their emotions to guide them. All this I knew conceptually. But this time I felt it, and a huge weight fell from me.

Society is asking women to change, to be like men, to be independent and leaders. It is so unfair. How can you ask a being with the ability to create life, who is a force of nature, who is guided by emotions, to change? Be this way! And not only modern society does this, I do. Why can’t women see the bigger picture? Why don’t they see their role in the epidemic of loneliness among young men. Where is their famous compassion that they are so laureled for?

That is me. Screaming at the ocean to stop waving, screaming at the wind to stop blowing. Naw, to feel what women go through makes you see why they flake so much, why they become instagram models showing off their bodies. Why they give advice like “just be yourself” and then ghost you the next moment. We have all been there.

We, as men, have the power. We are not tied to nature in the same way. We are the ones to bring real change to the world. We can free women by freeing ourselves. But only real honesty will do. They will instinctively see through your strategies and adaptive nature. You have to get to the place where your eyes open to their grace, divinity and holiness. And ironically this will work better than any strategy.

You are now a man free of judgments, free to be the pig and perv that you are. Free to chase her shamelessly and laugh about it, because you have been touched by the holy truth. The truth of her.

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