Conviction & Delight: A Transformative Weekend Intensive

24jun(jun 24)10:00 am25(jun 25)5:00 pmConviction & Delight: A Transformative Weekend IntensiveNEW YORK CITY. 4 SPOTS LEFT. Join Jordan Luke Collier & Guests for a Sharpening of Your Masculine Edge

Event Details

What is your calling in life?

How do you re-fill yourself with the spirit of inspiration?

Can you declare to the world who you are and what you live for… with a conviction that has people want to follow?

To address the world with pulse and conviction is a quality that so many men are lacking. We need it in our careers, we need it when relationships get tough, and we need conviction throughout our inner lives. In dating and attraction, you can learn conversation skills all you want… but it’s the underlying pulse of conviction that you embody, as a man, that wins her respect.

What do you stand for, as a man?

What are you here to transform, pass on, or protect?

Do you radiate a magnetic sort of presence, everywhere you go?

Come join us for an intensive weekend experience, where you will put the Ars Amorata philosophy into action. This is not a dating programme, but a vibrant, small-group intensive among men, designed to sharpen your presence in every aspect of life. You will explore the passionate, embodied aspect of your primal nature, unearth personal clarity and vitality, and discover how your way of being impacts others around you…

… you will let go of inner confusion, in a spirit of ease and delight.

These unique US Weekend Intensives will include all manner of practical exercises, hot-seat coaching, and the chance to form lasting bonds with brothers on a similar journey as yours. You will learn to interface with the feminine not just as girlfriend or dating partner, but as Oracle, Healer, and Muse.

To grab your place, click ‘Learn More’ below.



June 24, 2023 10:00 am - June 25, 2023 5:00 pm(GMT-05:00)


New York City

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