Writing out answers to last week’s 5-Prompt Challenge was a powerful experience for me. If you have yet to do that challenge, to reflect on and make sense of your 2024, I invite you to do it now.
In the days that followed, I found myself compelled to run another 5-Prompt Challenge. But rather than use it to reflect more on the year just gone, I set these prompts up to help clarify—and manifest—the experiences and quality of life I want in 2025.
Below is a creative journalling exercise that I developed entirely for myself. By posting it here, I invite you to join, too.
The five prompts I used to reflect on 2024 centered on Aliveness, Blindspots, Women, Beauty, and Leadership. I consequently added a sixth prompt, Process/Gratitude, to round this quite intensive practice out.
I will use these same 5+1 prompts to start shaping 2025 to my advantage.
What follows is virtually a coaching practice. Something we might do if we had an hour or two together.
If you like, you can write a simple answer to each of the 5+1 prompts. Answering the main 1-2 questions will bring you some clarity and direction. But you’ll get 10x Amorati-karma (i.e., much more sex next year), if you plunge all the way into the creative imagination parts, and really indulge, in each prompt.
You heard that right: creative imagination. While the first 1-2 questions in each prompt engage a sense of strategic vision, the later questions in each prompt invite you to tell a story—a story that doesn’t yet exist—and to flesh out, with all five senses if you can, what these visions will be like to experience, first-hand.
Another way of saying this is story-based visualisation. By writing (and feeling as you write) certain scenes and stories, you partake in the magical act of visualisation.
As always, treat yourself to a beautiful ritual to set yourself up for this exercise. Head to a coffee-shop you love, or prep a good tea or glass of wine in your home. Collect any shamanic items or spirit guides to the table if you have them 🤣. Feel free to play some inspiring music, but block distracting websites and messaging apps.
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Write About…
Copy and paste this section into a fresh doc:
1. A hobby, practice, or personal devotion that makes me come alive, which I intend to deepen next year is: ____. What I need to prepare to ensure this happens is ____.
Creative Imagination: The moment in 2025 when I feel most alive is ____ (add full-scale story/multi-sensory description).
2. Something I now know is holding me back, that I choose to untangle and release is: ____. How I will do that is ____.
Creative Imagination: What it feels like to release this part of me is ____. The possibilities this release now open up for me in my life are ____ (add full-scale story/multi-sensory description).
3. The experience I most long to have with a woman in 2025 is ____. How I will be proactive and call that forth is ____.
Creative Imagination: How this experience unfolds is ____ (add full-scale story/multi-sensory description, starting from the beginning of this encounter, right through its peak, and into its aftermath).
4. A sort of beauty that calls me forth in this world is ____. How I will create the circumstances for this encounter to happen in 2025 is ____.
Creative Imagination: How this experience unfolds is ____ (add full-scale story/multi-sensory description, starting from the beginning of this encounter, right through to its peak, and its insight/aftermath).
5. The gift I most want to give to the world is ____. The cause or issue that many people suffer with in this world, that my gift helps them with, is ____. How I plan to offer my leadership in 2025 is ____.
Creative Imagination: A peak moment where I give this leadership at my absolute best is ____. What I saw, heard, and felt happen all around me as I embodied this leadership was ____. How this leadership impacted others was ____.
Process/Gratitude. Having filled all this out, what do you feel now? What new learnings or perspectives are you left reflecting on, having gone through this creative-journalling process?
Finally, as you look back over all your answers: what sort of structure, or accountability, do you need to create around you, to make it inevitable that you’ll experience each of these visions?
Practice complete 🙏
This time, I will not reveal my private answers to the public. Tune in next year, to find out how things went for me—and I’ll tune in to hear how they turned out for you!
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Embodying the Shifts | Macro & Micro Practices
What I’ve offered you above is what we might call a ‘Macro-Practice’: something you only do once a year (or once a quarter) to clarify a sense of direction and build energy for it. It takes a certain effort to do a ‘macro-practice’ (you might spend a full day going deep into these), that most people don’t have in daily life.
But what makes this practice truly powerful is creating a ‘Micro-Practice’ version of it. What if you revise each of the stories you’ve written throughout each day of the year? What I’ll invite is that you pull your stories out via your phone, or on the piece of paper you used to create them, and spend at least five minutes each day of the year to revise them—even add to them—and, most important, to conjure the feeling of these stories once more in your body.
Those of you with a good memory will realise this is just a more nuanced, extended version of Zan’s Amorati List.
Silly example, but say you go walking in the Himalayas for 365 days and only look at your compass on day #1. That’s not going to get you very far. You need to look at the compass at least once or twice a day, to make sure your steps are going in the same direction. We all know this. But how many of us set inspiring goals at year’s start, only to forget them in a matter of days?
Hopefully you’ll have understood my intent about this, but the reason I asked you to create stories—or at least vivid images—about each of your prompts, is that it makes the practice of feeling the vibration of what you want all the more deeper. Stories and images ignite the unconscious, activating a sort of mythopoetic cognition. Which makes this whole manifestation thing an alchemical art.
Would you like to deepen your intention, among friends?
This Sunday, December 29th, I’ll offer a 2-hour group call for the Amorati.
In part #1, we will reflect and make sense of last year, sharing our various victories and defeats. In part #2 of the call, we will take the exercise given above, and take it a step further. You will share and amplify your process with other men, and I’ll offer an exclusive Q&A to help you dial this practice in.
To join us for this workshop, simply join The Amorati Membership.
Joining the Amorati is more streamlined than ever, and not only will you get a seat for this workshop, but you’ll get an entire year’s worth of insane benefits. Including the Essentials course, monthly Q&As with Zan, and a ticket to our Conference in Bucharest.
In case you miss it, the recording will be put up in our private portal.
Thanks for playing along. Sending you extra energy for all of your visions next year!
~ Jordan
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