Amorati Rising: Restoring Beauty during Wild Times

For many years, the Ars Amorata has spoken of a strange decay: a crisis of meaning, of sorts, among modern men and women. Until now, that decay has manifested in the form of grey, corporate mediocrity, consumerism-as-antidote, and our impersonal and disembodied ways of relating to each other. In recent times, our political and social fabric seems to have unwound and dwindled into greater alienation and vitriol.

At the same time, there’s never been a better moment to be alive. Our freedoms are at a peak (outside of Covid!). The ease of accessing creativity, travel, and sublime life-experiences has been unprecedented. And the number of men and women renouncing uninspiring lives and beginning personal or spiritual odysseys is increasing.

And yet, since the start of this year, we haven’t faced more agonising questions about the future of geo-politics, economy, travel, public health, education… in our lifetimes.

Whew! It’s fascinating… we might be on the cusp of one of history’s great turnings.

It’s also scary for some. Yet as a large percentage of our community has told us, it’s the perfect opportunity to reflect, re-train, and dig deeper into what’s important. The Ars Amorata is here to restore beauty, meaning, and sublime ways of being to the fore in our lives. And we hope that our audience can use these wild times for everyone’s advantage.

More than ever, it is time for the Amorati to rise.

This survey has been created specifically for viewers and fans of the new Zan & Jordan Show, available both on YouTube and via podcast. It’s not a survey for everyone: we’ve made it for those keenly listening in. We’re curious to know how you’re perceiving the show, how you’re viewing the world at present, and what your motivations for the present and future are. We’d like to support you, and have your concerns and perspectives inform our own message. But first of all, we’re curious about what’s going on!

Please take some time to answer the questions below, and let us know your perspective. Write as much or as little as you feel called, and focus on the questions that most grab you.

Then, we will then host a Special ‘Zan & Jordan Show’ Live Q&A — a 2-hour webinar only for those who completed this survey within the next two weeks. This is so you can get a sense of where we’re at as a community, and ask any questions you have on the themes we regularly discuss. We have no grand promotion at the end of all this — but we do want to know who’s with us as we broaden our conversation beyond the timeless topics of attraction and relationships, and onto the themes of leadership, vision, meaning, and living a life of beauty in all its forms.

This questionnaire will remain online and active from December 2nd until December 17th 2020. The webinar will be hosted on Saturday December 19th (at 5pm RO). Email confirmation and the zoom link will be sent to you a couple of days before the call.

Onwards… and upwards!

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Join the Legacy Waitlist

Legacy is about to be re-launched as a 2-year Mentoring journey, and community of thriving leaders and creatives. Register your interest below, and be the first informed about the next course opening.